Entries by Janet


Long-Term Remission

Meet Jeff Finerman, prostate cancer survivor and exceptional responder.               A couple months ago, I got one of the best emails ever.  It came from Jeff Finerman, a man I had interviewed in 2017 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF)’s website.  When I wrote that story, I began with these very true words: “Metastatic prostate […]

Focal Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer, Part 3

Killing the Cancer, Not the Prostate             Focal therapy, although not the standard of care, is emerging as a way to treat localized prostate cancer in carefully selected patients.  I recently interviewed one of the leaders in this field, urologist Arvin K. George, M.D., Director of Prostate Cancer Programs at the Brady Urological Institute at […]

Focal Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer, Part 2

            Is focal therapy for every man with localized prostate cancer?  Absolutely not.  In fact, says Northwestern University urologic surgeon Ashley Ross, M.D., Ph.D., it’s not even a good option for the majority of patients.  But for a few carefully selected men, with close follow-up, “it can be a curative option with minimal side effects.” […]

Focal Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer, Part 1

Why I agonized over writing about it, and why I have (cautiously and for very selected men) altered my opinion.  In three parts.             Four years ago, I wrote a VJ post on focal therapy.  I didn’t publish it.  I just couldn’t.  It started off:  “Dear Readers, if you ever want to start a veritable […]

Are ADT’s Side Effects Inevitable? 

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a double-edged sword.  It can do a lot of good:  in men with high-risk prostate cancer, for example, a two-year course of ADT can make the cancer more susceptible to radiation treatment, leading to a cure.  And in men with cancer that has spread beyond the prostate, ADT by itself […]

Our New Book

The new book is out and it’s better than ever, if I do say so myself!   This is the Fifth edition of a book that, in various forms, has been a number one bestseller on Amazon since Dr. Patrick Walsh and I wrote the first one in 1993. That first book was called The Prostate:  […]