Entries by Janet

Can Exercise Reduce Your Alzheimer’s Risk? – Part 1

Part one of a two-part discussion of exercise and Alzheimer’s. I’m not one for guilt trips. Mainly, because guilt backfires. If you were my dad, or brother, uncle, grandfather, or son and I were to try to guilt you into doing something that you already know needs to happen, like exercise, you might make a few […]


Low Testosterone: What’s Causing It?

ED and Low T:  Don’t Just Treat the Symptoms! Part Two of my series with Urologist Kevin Billups, M.D. Low testosterone is a worrisome thing for many men.  It doesn’t help that many have seen advertisements for testosterone-boosting supplements promising to cure all — except what’s really causing the problem, notes Kevin Billups, M.D., formerly […]


ED and Your Cardiovascular Health

ED and Low T:  Don’t Just Treat the Symptoms! Part One of my series with Urologist Kevin Billups, M.D.  If you have erectile dysfunction (ED) or low testosterone, and you go see a doctor about it, that’s good:  Because in both cases, there’s probably something else going on. I interviewed urologist Kevin Billups, M.D., formerly […]