Think infertility and the picture that comes to mind is usually some poor woman hopped up on a regimen of hormones, getting one or more rounds of expensive in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and hoping desperately that it will take. But sometimes, when a couple wants to have a baby and can’t, the problem is not with […]
I lied in the headline. A prostate biopsy is not actually fun. But if you need one – if your PSA has gone up more than 0.4 ng/ml a year, or if your doctor has felt something suspicious, like a hard spot on the prostate during the rectal exam – then you need one, so here […]
If you are a man of African American descent – or a woman who loves him — I hope you read this. You are in the group that is hit the hardest by prostate cancer of all men in the world. When you look at the men at highest risk of getting prostate cancer, one […]
I may not know you personally, but I know that, because you’re a man, chances are good that you do two things. One, you most likely respond to health issues with denial. I can relate to this – I do it, too. And two, when things get tough, you just put your head down and keep going. […]
I’m going to talk about the brain via an organ I know a little bit better: the prostate. Bear with me. Scientists have long known that, at autopsy, many men are found to have prostate cancer that never spread, never caused a problem, and never needed to be treated. They died with it, not of […]
Part one of a two-part discussion of exercise and Alzheimer’s. I’m not one for guilt trips. Mainly, because guilt backfires. If you were my dad, or brother, uncle, grandfather, or son and I were to try to guilt you into doing something that you already know needs to happen, like exercise, you might make a few […]
ED and Low T: Don’t Just Treat the Symptoms! Part Two of my series with Urologist Kevin Billups, M.D. Low testosterone is a worrisome thing for many men. It doesn’t help that many have seen advertisements for testosterone-boosting supplements promising to cure all — except what’s really causing the problem, notes Kevin Billups, M.D., formerly […]