Entries by Janet

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PSMA-PET and Prostate Cancer

Remember these letters:  PSMA.  If you haven’t heard of PSMA-targeted agents yet, you probably will soon. Imagine a heat-seeking missile – except the tiny target locked onto by this particular missile is PSMA (prostate-specific membrane antigen), a protein that sits on the surface of prostate cancer cells.  The weapon itself is a small molecule, originally […]

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Cancer, Gut Bacteria, and Your Poop

What does your poop reveal about your gut bacteria (called the gut “microbiome”), and what does this have to do with your immune system’s ability to fight off cancer? Just how important is this gut flora, or bacteria, anyway? Let’s look at the last question first. How important is your gut bacteria? It’s very important […]


Oligometastasis in Prostate Cancer: Curable?

What if you have cancer that is confined to the prostate, with just a little tiny bit outside of it? Are you doomed? It used to be that doctors thought, “Oh, man, he’s a goner, the cancer’s spread outside the prostate.” But scientists are learning that not all out-of-the-prostate cancer is the same, and just […]

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Little Bursts of Exercise, Big Rewards

Two recent studies bring good news for those of us who either don’t have a lot of time to exercise, or just don’t like it and don’t want to spend an hour working out: bursts of cardiovascular activity matter. A lot. For those of us who are getting older (which, unless you’re dead or cryopreserved, […]

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Exercise and Cancer: What Your Prostate Thinks

Hey, guys: If you think exercise is just about pumping iron and getting big traps, six-pack abs and “gun show” biceps, your prostate would like to disagree. To your prostate, how ripped or shredded you are is not nearly as important as your cardiovascular health. Now, you may be wondering, why should the prostate even […]

What is Prostatitis, Anyway?

Thousands of men are diagnosed with prostatitis every year.  But guess what? Most of them don’t actually have it. Maybe you’re one of those men, and you’ve been taking antibiotics for weeks because your doctor told you that’s what you had. How are your symptoms? Are they any better? And here’s an important question: Did […]