Entries by Janet


Anti-Dementia Action Plan

For many of us, dementia is not an inevitable part of growing older. We have talked about this before, but I feel strongly that it’s time to talk about it again. The idea is still a fairly new one to wrap your mind around, no pun intended, and I’m pretty sure that most people are […]

Do Statins Prevent Lethal Prostate Cancer?

Statins are toying with prostate cancer scientists. Study after study hints at a tantalizing connection between taking these cholesterol-lowering drugs and protection from getting lethal prostate cancer. But an actual magic pill guaranteed to do this just keeps hovering just over the horizon, like the Goodyear Blimp, taunting scientists and oncologists who would love to […]

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In 1993, I actually wrote that sugar and carbs were fine. Want to be healthy? Eat more pasta and healthy grains, I wrote. Fats were the big evil. I was so wrong – but this was what the studies showed. This is what many doctors believed. Fat was our enemy. Fat was the reason we […]

Prostate Seed Treatment in African American Men

This is not about prostate seed treatment, or brachytherapy, by itself.  It’s about giving a short course of hormonal therapy first, to lower testosterone in men with localized prostate cancer to make them eligible for radiation seed treatment. The idea is that a shot of Lupron or Zoladex will shrink the prostate and make it […]


Does ADT Raise Your Risk of Alzheimer’s?

Part Four of Four It’s challenging enough that you need to be on androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in the first place.   Now, in addition to prostate cancer, you have to worry about the risk of dementia? Some studies have shown an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease, and cognitive impairment and depression are known problems that […]

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ADT and Cognitive Impairment

Part Three of Four Does ADT cause cognitive impairment? This question seems simple, but really, it’s more like opening a medical can of worms. So let’s ask a different question. Do men on ADT get cognitive impairment? Yes, some do. But many don’t. It is hard to pin down definitive facts here – like, how many men get […]