Entries by Janet

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How to Age Well, Part 2

This is the second part of a series on aging well. – Janet It all makes sense, but sometimes we need to hear this stuff anyway.  Eat right, get vaccinated, and get some sun, because Vitamin D protects your body and helps prevent cancer.  This is from How to Age Well, Part 1.   Part […]

How to Age Well: Part 1

Quality of life is the key:  our goal shouldn’t be just to live to a ripe old age.  No one wants to be old and decrepit (or decrepit at any age, frankly).  But old and healthy – now that’s an exciting goal. Jeremy Walston, M.D., a gerontologist at Johns Hopkins, co-directs the Biology of Frailty […]

Goof Off, and Put Down the Phone

Do you feel connected, or tethered? While you’re mulling that over, here’s another one: Can you handle downtime?  The art of loafing — made famous by such characters as Huckleberry Finn; the morbidly obese passengers of the spaceship, Axiom, in the Pixar movie WALL-E; and cats everywhere – has its good points.  There’s something to […]

Do the Laundry and Feel Less Gross, More Healthy

This post, as many Vital Jake posts do, came because of a conversation I happened to have with a guy at church.  He said he felt bad, and that he had been waking up with itchy eyes and a headache.  I asked him how often he changed his sheets, and he was stumped.  He didn’t […]


Lyme Disease: A Ticking Timebomb

When Lyme Disease Doesn’t Really Go Away Ticks are evil.  Deer ticks are even worse: little dots of evil, the size of a freckle.  They spread Lyme disease, and what can happen next sounds like a horror movie.  But first, the ticks:  They are the minuscule vectors that transmit Lyme disease.  But really what they […]


Charred Food Bad, Veggies Good for the Prostate

Good news for people who love barbecue, hot dogs, burgers, and steak cooked on the grill: It pays to eat your veggies. The key to this story is something called “PhIP.” A few years ago, noted Johns Hopkins scientist Bill Nelson, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, began investigating its role […]