Entries by Janet


Heart Attack Triggers: The Four Deadly Horsemen

A broken heart.  Shoveling snow.   Being a weekend warrior.   Eating like a pig, no offense to pigs.  What do these things have in common?  They all have the potential to cause a heart attack.  They could kill you.  “But wait!” you may say.  “I exercise.  I have a good diet.  Gosh darn it, […]


Don’t Shun the Sun

In 2002, when I ghostwrote the first edition of The Paleo Diet for Loren Cordain, I thought we were writing sacrilege when he said people need sunlight.  That’s because our view of what’s normal and natural has gotten skewed.  “Oh, no!” I thought.  “Must have sunscreen.  Sunscreen good, sun bad!”  Just a few steps away […]


Coffee’s Number Two Side Effect

Imagine:  John Wayne in True Grit, charging bad guys on horseback, with the reins in his teeth, a Colt revolver in one hand and a Winchester rifle in the other, and suddenly, he veers off and heads for the woods.   He’s acutely regretting that cup of coffee he had back at the campfire. Well, […]


Smokeless Tobacco: Move Your Chaw to Save Your Jaw

If you use smokeless tobacco, or know a guy who does and want to help him, this is for you.  Obviously, the best thing you can do is quit.  But if you can’t do that, these three words may save your life:  Move your chaw! I’ll explain, with help from Jason Campbell, D.D.S., a Prescott, […]


Can Your Gut Bacteria Make You Depressed?

If you’re old enough to remember Mr. Rogers, you might remember him singing the happy little song, “So, who are the people in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood… they’re the people that you meet when you’re walking down the street.  They’re the people that you meet each day.” This isn’t Mr. Rogers’ […]

Rebound Headaches:  A Cautionary Tale

This isn’t what I intended to write about; in fact, I’m in the middle of a series on the gut.  However, the series has been derailed briefly, because I have been derailed, I hope briefly, by one mother of a headache.  Three times in my life, I’ve been in so much pain that I have […]