Prostate MRI is on the upswing in cancer diagnosis. Should it play a role in screening, too? Many men with suspected prostate cancer are getting MRI, because the information it provides is so good: MRI can show the size and location of tumors and guide a personalized, targeted biopsy aimed at suspicious areas – […]
This new form of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is being used in Europe, Australia and elsewhere, and being tested in clinical trials in the U.S. As part of my series on PSMA-targeting, here’s more of the story: We have talked a lot about the amazing results in some men with metastatic prostate cancer of […]
This new form of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is being used in Europe, Australia and elsewhere, and being tested in clinical trials in the U.S. As part of my series on PSMA-targeting, here’s more of the story: With the dramatic results in some men, why aren’t radionuclides a done deal here in the U.S? […]
This new form of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is being used in Europe, Australia and elsewhere, and being tested in clinical trials in the U.S. As part of my series on PSMA-targeting, here’s more of the story: As we have discussed here, Neil Bander, M.D., Director of Urological Oncology Research at Weill Cornell and […]
This new form of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is being used in Europe, Australia and elsewhere, and being tested in clinical trials in the U.S. As part of my series on PSMA-targeting, here’s more of the story: Neil Bander, M.D., Director of Urological Oncology Research at Weill Cornell and a pioneer in the study […]
There’s some bright hope on the horizon for men with metastatic prostate cancer: it’s PSMA-targeting therapy. This is different from PSMA-targeted imaging, which shows where small bits of prostate cancer are hiding in the body. But it uses the very same building blocks. Think of molecular LEGOS: Instead of attaching the tracer molecule that can “see” […]
Who’s a survivor? You are, if you are trying to get your life back after a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Survivor. What does that word bring to mind? (Besides, of course, the name of the rock band whose song, “Eye of the Tiger,” went double-platinum in 1982 and was the theme of “Rocky […]