Entries by Janet

Learn from Peter Frampton!

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Peter Frampton (yes, THAT Peter Frampton!) for Johns Hopkins Rheumatology’s LEAP Magazine, and two things really struck me:  One, he is really a nice, decent guy.  And two, what he has taught his doctors about muscle memory and retaining function through repeated practice and hard work has changed […]


Long-Haul Lyme Disease

This is an update to a story I wrote five years ago, for Johns Hopkins Rheumatology’s LEAP Magazine, with two world experts on PTLD: post-treatment Lyme disease.  They have uncovered some promising clues as to why, for some people, Lyme disease doesn’t go away, and identified some new potential avenues of treatment. Some people get […]

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A Power Outage for Prostate Cancer

Limiting Prostate Cancer’s Fuel by Restricting Calories and Changing the Diet:  Just when it seems like the picture of diet and prostate cancer is finally coming into focus, Nicole Simone, M.D., a radiation oncologist at Thomas Jefferson University, has added a new dimension.  It may not be just a question of the good foods you […]

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Worried About Prostate Cancer?  Be Proactive! Part 2: Exercise and Key Foods

Recently for the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF), I interviewed two scientists who study lifestyle factors and their effect on prostate cancer:  Epidemiologist June Chan, Sc.D., of UCSF, and epidemiologist Lorelei Mucci, M.P.H., Sc.D., of Harvard.  In the last post, we talked about diet.  Now let’s look at exercise, and we’ll wrap up with some quick […]