Entries by Janet


Do Older Men Still Need a PSA Test?

I’m in my seventies.  My doctor said I don’t need any more PSA tests because I’m too old to worry about it.  Is that right?  It depends on you and your PSA history.  There are some troubling statistics, which I will get to in a minute.  But first the good news:  If you are in […]


Close to Home.  Again.

Why do I write so much about prostate cancer?  Because I can’t get away from it.  And now prostate cancer, never very far away, has hit close to home.  Again. Before I tell you my story, please study this picture.  This is a picture of a miracle.  It’s not a pincushion.  It’s an MRI of […]


Does Shockwave Therapy Work for ED?

If you’re struggling with ED, you may be wondering whether the latest miracle cure is actually a miracle cure.  You’re right to wonder.  The world of treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) is complicated; add in emotional stuff like frustration and hope, and it can be even tougher to figure out what to do.  And here’s […]

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Block SRCs, Kill Prostate Cancer?

This is part of On the Horizon:  a series written with the sole purpose of sharing hope:  showing you some of the new treatments that are being developed to fight cancer that has defied everything else.  Because I write for the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s website, I get to interview scientists developing highly promising treatments that […]